Stewardship in the Bible: What it Means to Serve God and Others

In the Bible, stewardship is the responsibility of taking care of something that has been entrusted to you.

This could be anything from money and possessions, to a position of authority.

When it comes to our relationship with God, we are all a steward.

We have been entrusted with His love, grace, and mercy, and it is our responsibility to take care of that gift.

The Bible is clear on characteristics associated with this role and how to be a good steward.

black woman using calculator

Who is a Steward?

A steward can be anyone, but this term is especially associated with anyone who is a believer in Christ.

When we think of this position, we must think of something being on loan.

We may not automatically consider our time, loved ones, and possessions as part of stewardship but they are.

Why? Because none of it is going to last forever. Everything that we have and are connected to are on a time clock.

It can be daunting and downright depressing to consider, but don't look at it that way. Recognize the beauty of being entrusted with something so precious from God.

It truly is an honor.

Table of Contents

    What is a Good Steward of God?

    The answer seems pretty simple: take care of what has been entrusted to you.

    But that's not always as easy as it sounds. We are human after all, and we make mistakes.

    Thankfully, there are some things that we can do to help us be good stewards.

    These include praying for guidance from the Holy Spirit, making wise decisions, being responsible with our finances, investing in relationships, caring for our bodies, and using our time wisely.

    These are just a few suggestions, but ultimately it comes down to using wisdom and being led by the Holy Spirit in everything that we do.

    We want to make sure that we're always checking in with God on how to handle what He's given to us.

    What Skills Do You Need to be a Good Steward?

    Some of the skills we need to be a good steward are innate while others must be learned through spiritual discipline.

    The ability to be honest, have self-control, and be hardworking are some examples of qualities that we should already possess.

    Others, such as being generous or having a giving spirit, may not come as naturally but can definitely be developed.

    All of these skills are important when it comes to taking care of what God has entrusted to us.

    We want to make sure that we're using His resources in the best way possible and not squandering what He's given us.

    It's also important to remember that stewardship isn't just about taking care of things; it's also about taking care of people.

    This means being patient, kind, encouraging, and loving towards others.

    These acts may not be something you've always done, but God's desire is that we all would be willing vessels to bring Him glory.

    Good Stewardship Examples

    The Bible is full of examples of men and women who were great stewards.

    Some of these people include Joseph, Moses, Ruth, Esther, and the apostles.

    Joseph's story takes up most of Genesis from his birth to his becoming a solution to his family during the famine in the land. One way that Joseph was an example was when he took the seven years of overflow and saved up for the seven years of drought.

    Joseph's stewardship provided for his family and many more.

    Moses was a good steward of God's people. Though God doesn't condone murder, Moses' killing of the Egyptian who was being harsh to his people showed that he valued those God did.

    As his story goes on, God uses him to lead the people in a miraculous exodus from Egypt.

    Ruth gives an example of serving others through God given connection. As a result of her commitment to Naomi, her life was completely turned around when she met Boaz in Naomi's homeland.

    Esther demonstrated how to use a position given by God when she used hers to save her people.

    The Apostles could be trusted with God's Word. The effects of their stewardship and obedience are alive today through those who have been born again in Christ.

    These individuals all had different gifts and talents that they used to serve God and others.

    They were obedient to His call on their lives and did everything with excellence.

    We can learn so much from their examples about what it means to be a good steward.

    When we study their lives, we see that stewardship isn't about perfection; it's about faithfulness.

    No one is perfect, but we can all strive to be faithful with what God has given us.

    Benefits of Being a Faithful Steward

    Though we shouldn't need a reason to be a faithful steward, God gives us incentive through the examples we see in the Bible.

    To those who did well with their role or position, he gave more responsibility.

    King David, for example was committed to how he attended to the flock. He was willing to fight off any animal that attacked them or go after one that was loss.

    This same care was imperative to his leadership.

    Another example is those in the parable of the talents found in the gospel writings. The two who took their talents and multiplied them were blessed even more.

    This also shows us that there are adverse consequences to not being a good steward. It can cost us what we hold onto so dearly.

    Stewardship in the Bible: What It Means to Serve God and Others

    The Bible is clear about the importance of good stewardship. We are to wisely handle everything God has given us to steward, including our time, talents, and resources.

    When we do this, He makes sure that we have what we need for today and tomorrow.

    What areas of your life could use a little more stewardship?

    How can you start applying biblical principles to better manage what God has entrusted to you?

    Let’s be intentional about living out our faith in every area of life, including the way we steward what God has given us.

    Pray and ask God to show you where He wants you to start


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