Timiel Dewberry & Inclination Life

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The Power of Contentment in Life

Wouldn't it be a perfect life if everything went the way we wanted it to? Think about all mountaintop experiences and days filled with laughter and smiles.

The reality is that life isn't like that. We don't always get what we desire even if we plan well and follow it to the tee. Some seasons are laced with tears and sadness.

It seems absolutely absurd to choose to contentment in moments like that or times where we lack, but that's exactly what God says we can do.

When we can learn and understand the power of contentment in life, it can be a game changer.

What Does Contentment Mean?

Contentment is defined as a "state of satisfaction or happiness".

It's not about feeling. It's about mindset and choice.

It is our ability to be “happy” without burdening another person or depending on a thing to bring us to that state.

Dr. Tony Evans says that contentment is learned at the greatest degree during suffering. Think about it. We really don't have a problem when everything is going right, but when it doesn't, that's a whole different story.

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The Power Contentment in Life

Paul is known for stating that he had learned how to be ok with wherever God had him in life. Some seasons were better than others, but he had made a choice to be satisfied no matter what.

Paul didn't accomplish this through his own strength.
Take a look at Philippians 4:13 which says "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." - New International Version

Paul made it through Christ. This was his superpower!

As a believer, we have the same power. We can endure anything through the strength Christ gives us.

Just when we think we can't go any further, here comes the super energy.

What Contentment in Life Looks Like

Contentment looks different for everyone, and it can apply to every area our lives.

One example is a clip I saw of a message delivered by Bishop T.D. Jakes.  He utilized a young boy to play a smaller piano and an older gentleman to play a larger one. 

He went from the young boy playing the chords of “A,B,C,D...” to the older playing an unrecognized but more skillful tune.  There was a simple message he was getting across.

If the little boy could be content at his skill level while watching the older gentlemen, he could learn to keep striving and not give up.

He could appreciate where he was in that moment even though it was not where he ultimately desired to be.

The Importance of Contentment Life

The hardest thing about contentment can be concern over whether the state you're in is going to be ” it”.

We may wonder if I accept this God, will that be all? Contentment doesn’t mean settling.

Contentment is empowerment and a healthy attitude towards each day. 

I used to work with a manager that always said 'it is what it is'. His approach was to be content and just relax. He realized that life brings moments where you can't do anything but accept what is happening.

“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.”

Philippians 4:11

Failure to use your superpower can result in stress and worry. God wants us to trust His method even when it's difficult.

Contentment can be applied towards our objectives, relationships, material possessions and so much more. 

Are you content?  If not, consider the fact that God wants you to be.

He wants you to live out life this way, so you can make it through anything.

God knows the plan and purpose He has for us.  He knows what we need.  Contentment says we understand that.

Our contentment signifies faith and maturity.  It’s also a product of our peace!

This kind of living is attractive and those watching us will want to learn from our process. We'll get to tell them that Christ has enabled us to do it.