Timiel Dewberry & Inclination Life

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5 Ways to Enjoy the Gift of Today

Are you a planner or goal driven?  Do you have dreams and are being consumed by the effort it is taking to get there?

Are you always one step ahead of yourself? Is the future your only view?

If you answered yes to any of these, you may just be missing out on how to enjoy the gift of today.

What Is The Importance of The Gift of Today

All we have as a guarantee of time is right now.  We don’t know what the next hour or rest of the day holds.  We can’t even be assured of our tomorrow or next week.

This may be the last thing anyone wants to consider in life, but it is true.  We often rob ourselves of that gift by not being present in the moment, thinking only on the future.

Today is a PRESENT!  Get it?  That means it’s something that God graciously gives us each day.  Therefore, many arise and say, “Thank you God for today”.

These people realize that today didn’t have to be.

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Enjoy the Gift of Today

When you recognize that it was God's mercies that kept you safe all night long and caused you to rise in the morning, that can change your whole perspective.

It’s the kind of wake-up call that humbles you because you know that you couldn't have done that for yourself. God does it for us, and He wants us to enjoy his gift.

We can do this by:

  1. Being thankful for EACH day.

  2. Being good stewards of our time.

  3. Laying our plans in His hands.

  4. Resisting the temptation to complain.

  5. Not sweating the small things that try to steal our joy of today.

I see this mindset as one that understands God's sovereignty. Though these gestures may seem small, they serve as a space of thanks reverencing our Heavenly Father.

How To Honor The Gift of Today

There are so many ways that we can honor each day.

We should always desire to extend our "thank you" to God from word to deeds.

A Night at the Tony’s...

A few years ago I decided to watch the Tony Awards.  I thoroughly enjoyed the performances, but there was this MOMENT that captivated my attention.  It was when Cynthia Erivo emerged from the center of The Color Purple performance and began to sing "I'm Here".  

The first time I'd heard this song rendered by Fantasia it was moving, because I could sense her life being delivered through those words.  This time it penetrated my soul and I rewinded to listen, look, and live in these minutes.

“I believe I have inside of me everything I need to live a bountiful life. With all the love alive in me, I’ll stand as tall as the tallest tree. And I’m thankful for everyday that I’m given, both the easy and hard ones I’m living. But most of all, I’m thankful for loving who I really am. I’m beautiful. Yes, I’m beautiful. And I’m here!”

Lyrics "I'm Here" - The Color Purple Musical

Something arose within me and I too felt the thankfulness for a life that has been given to me.  

I reflected and realized I was thankful for the good and bad days and even more grateful for the hope that comes with every waking morning.

The last two words of the song stated "I'm Here".  Each day we have to remind ourselves that "We're Here".  

The Gift of Today Quotes

If waking up each morning is not enough motivation for you, these quotes are sure to be a great reminder.

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”

Bil Keane

“There is a lot that is good in your life- don't take it for granted. Don't get so focused on the struggles that you miss the gift of today."

Joel Osteen

“I opened two gifts this morning they were my eyes.”


“God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today.  Have you used one to say thank you?”

William A. Ward

It would be great if every single day of our lives was guaranteed to bring us happiness, but the reality is that some days will be harder than others. 

Our challenge then is to choose to be thankful for life no matter what. Faith and determination will help to get through those obstacle days. 

 At times the hand we're dealt may seem so harsh.   But if we're going to enjoy the gift of today, we must be able to look past the truth of our down days to see the upside which is life.