Timiel Dewberry & Inclination Life

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5 Fun Faithful Ideas for a Christian Date Night

Do you find date night with your spouse is starting to feel routine? Are you looking for some fun, faith-filled date night ideas that will help build and strengthen the bond in your Christian marriage?

If so, this blog post was made just for you! I've compiled a list of 5 date night ideas that I think any Christian couple would enjoy.

Get ready to have some fun and spend time together as husband and wife.

Why Date Night?

Ok, this should be a no brainer but interestingly enough not all couples continue to date after marriage.

It's not just about going to dinner or to the movies, it's about doing what you did when you were getting to know one another.

Did you sit and talk about your job all the time or all the problems you had in life? I hope not. Most of us wouldn't have made it down the aisle doing that.

Did you sit in silence or fall asleep on the movie? Did you complain about the place your spouse picked or were you just happy to be with them?

Often when we're dating, we're more aware and thoughtful that this person could be somewhere else with someone else. We feel honored.

Time in marriage can make us take that for granted.

This is why we should take date night as a time to ENJOY our spouse and keep things lighthearted.

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How Often Should We Have Date Night?

You should date frequently. A lot of people don't because they've turned date night into a wow factor that only occurs as money allows.

Let's face it. Money can be funny and your relationship shouldn't have to suffer as a result of that.

Some couples date every week while others once a month. You have to figure out what works with your schedule, but anything over a month is pushing it.

Date night doesn't have to be a date. It can also be two friends hanging out, going for ice cream or watching a movie together.

This means it doesn't always have to be planned. Friends have fun together doing nothing and that's a good approach to take in marriage.

Fun Things to Do On a Date Night

Laughter is good for the soul and smiles are better to the face than frowns.

Sometimes marriages are going through a rough patch, but if you agree to go on the date, lay that aside for that time.

Get dressed up. Consider adding a little fun and spice by not letting your spouse see you until time to go.

That moment of watching you walk in brings back so many beautiful memories. The eyes meeting seem to make some couples forget all that ever bothered them, at least fo those few moments.

The next suggestion may seem a bit staged but decide what you can talk about throughout the date that's not so serious. Stay present in the date.

If the car ride is a little longer, you may consider a "how well do you know me" quiz or listen to songs that you two sing together.

Date Night Ideas for Couples

So, without further ado, here are some date ideas that you can use to keep the flame burning:

  1. A Picnic: Whether it's at home or in the park, make it a date to remember. Pull out a comfy blanket, some nice glasses, and a shareable spread. If you know something that they love, be sure to add it to the menu. Try adding a new dish that you both can try together for the first time. It's a good way to add to the memory and spark more conversation.

  2. Go for a Walk: This can be around your neighborhood, on a trail/hike, downtown, or in the park. Plan to cap the night with a light snack or dessert. Use the time to bond over conversation and connect.

  3. Stargazing or Watching theSun Set: This one is perfect at night or if you live near the beach. Grab a blanket if it's a cooler evening. Light some candles if you're going to do it at home. A light beverage will add to mood. If you're feeling like taking it a step further, bring some music and dance under the night sky.

  4. Attend a Concert or Comedy Show: It's nothing like being surprised with going to see your favorite act. This is likely the least intimate of the dates, but you can plan for one-on-one time over dinner or a night away if possible.

  5. Game Night: Sometimes the competitor needs to come out. Play games like tag or twister at home. Don't overthink this one. Let your hair down and become kid-like with your spouse. The laughter and unforgettable interactions will be priceless!

5 Fun Faithful Ideas for a Christian Date Night pin

At the end of a long day, all you want is to be with your partner. But if it feels like every date has become routine and boring, don't give up on romance just yet!

There are plenty of ways you can make time for each other without breaking the bank or going too far out of your way. All that's needed is some creativity and effort from both partners.

Keep dating as much as possible - even when life gets busy- because those dates will lead to more memories together along with better communication skills in marriage. You'll feel closer than ever before through these simple efforts so take a break from work once in awhile and enjoy this romantic time together!

Remembering what first attracted us to our spouse should also help.