Timiel Dewberry & Inclination Life

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3 Reasons To Take Time To Pray Daily

Many people don't take the time to pray daily. When they do, it can be one of the most rewarding experiences in their life.

Prayer is a way for people to spend time with God and feel closer to Him. It also provides an opportunity for meditation and reflection on what's going on in your life or someone else's life that you're praying about.

In this blog post, I'll give three reasons why you should take time out of your day to pray!

Why is Prayer So Powerful?

Prayer is a key that unlocks heaven's resources into the earth. When we pray we not only demonstrate faith in our relationship with God, we also acknowledge out need for Him.

In Hebrews 4:16 of the Berean Study Bible it states, "Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

The author was encouraging the believers of that day that they could go to God with anything and find what they needed.

For them, it was endurance, patience, and strength to continue going through persecution, rejection, and shame.

Our lives may not be at that level all the time, but the beautiful thing about prayer is that it can be used in the smallest of things.

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What Are the Benefits of Praying Everyday?

There are so many benefits to praying each day such as its ability to bring connection no matter the distance.

Prayer not only reaches heaven. It touches others. Prayer connects us with God and other people who are also praying. It also shows up in the lives of those we pray for.

When we pray, our mind becomes clearer. Think about it. If you actually go before God, you've got to leave this earthly realm in your mind and go where He is.

You may have heard people speak about getting off the horizontal and having a vertical posture that looks toward heaven.

This is what they're talking about and it enables us to step away from our physical realities for a moment to really listen.

Prayers also helps us to develop a deeper relationship with God when we spend time in prayer each day.

Even if you are busy, there is always time to pray.

Reasons To Take Time To Pray Daily

Some people say they have an attitude of prayer. That means they are always talking to God throughout the day.

I think that's good, but what I'm aiming at here is a set aside time where you shut everything out and just spend time with God.

Jesus did it so many times during His earthly ministry. He would rise early and go to a deserted place or send the disciples away for a moment to have time alone.

Even if you're a busy parent, spouse, career person, etc., you can't afford not to take the time.

Here's a few reasons to take time out of your schedule to pray daily:

  1. Jesus told us in the "Our Father " prayer to pray for our daily bread. If you're not taking time out of your day to talk to God about what you need for the day and what He's already provided, you're missing out.

  2. You need daily navigation. God already knows what's ahead in your day. If you stay in routine without acknowledging Him, you might just omit His rerouting for the day.

  3. Reflection is amazing. When was the last time that you said thanks for something or asked God how things were going? When we take a moment to see how He's brought us through a day or night, we observe more and our bond strengthens as we see His hands on and in our lives.

Daily Verses to Pray

You may not always have something to say, and that makes some people shy away from a consistent prayer life.

That doesn't have to be you. Pray the Word when you can't find anything to say.

Here are a few verses that you can use daily:

Matthew 6:12 “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”

Psalm 118:24 “This is the day the LORD has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Psalm 9:1 “I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.”

Luke 1:37 “For nothing will be impossible with God.”

1 John 5:14 “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us.”

You can pray any part of the Bible. Simply open up and start talking to God as you read aloud His Words back to Him.

Verses that speak to you or your personal situation are great options.

Taking time to pray is probably the hardest part of it all. Once you get into routine with it, you'll experience the power of connecting with Him.

Prayer has been known to be a powerful force for centuries. It is time that we take the time out of our busy schedules and spend it on prayer, so we can experience its benefits firsthand and spread them with others.

I pray this was helpful in providing you some motivation to start your own daily prayers or increase the frequency of your current ones.

You will not regret taking this step towards happiness, peace, and fulfillment!