Timiel Dewberry & Inclination Life

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3 Prayers to Pray Over Your Family for Strength, Peace and Protection

The family is the basic unit of society. It is the place where we learn about love, sacrifice and togetherness.

They are the ones who support us, love us and help us through thick and thin. That's why it is so important to pray over your family regularly.

Prayer can help strengthen our relationships with our loved ones, bring peace to our homes and protect us from harm.

What is a Good Prayer for Family?

Sometimes we're looking for a good prayer, but the better approach is considering that any prayer in accordance with the will of God is a good prayer.

Your love and concern for your family will be the biggest driver in what you pray over them. Of course you wouldn't want to use that time to curse them or pray against them, but flowing from a place of love ensures we don't use our prayers for ill will.

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How Can I Pray for My Family in the Morning?

The best way to start your day is by spending time with God in prayer. You can use this time to pray for your family and ask God to bless them and protect them throughout the day.

You also can incorporate this into your family's routine by setting aside a few minutes to pray in a circle or holding hands before everyone leaves for the day.

Children often find security in hearing prayer before they head to school.

Adding prayer routines are beneficial to the entire family but especially little ones who are learning to develop habits in their faith.

How do I bless my family?

Use your prayer time to not only seek God but to bless them with your words.

A good place to start is in the Bible where you can find promises that God makes to His children. Use His words to speak life as you pray over your family.

This is helpful in situations where you may have a family member that is struggling or out of alignment with God. Use your mouth to speak God's truth versus the reality of what you see.

Prayers to Pray Over Your Family for Strength, Peace, and Protection

Praying for strength, peace and protection are great places to start when deciding what you pray over your family.

Here are five specific prayers you can pray over your family for those things:

Prayer for Strength

Dear Heavenly Father,

I am so grateful for my family. They are the people who mean the most to me in this world. I know that life is not always easy and there will be times when they need Your strength to get through.

Please help them to remember that Your strength is available to them whenever they need it. Please give them the courage to face whatever challenges come their way and the wisdom to know when to ask for Your help. I love my family so much and I pray that You would bless them in Jesus name, amen.

Prayer for Peace

Dear Heavenly Father,

I am so grateful for my family. They are a gift from you, and you have given us so many priceless gifts. One of those gifts is inner peace.

I pray that no matter what they may face today that you will remind them of the beautiful inner peace they have from you. I pray that you would let nothing take them off focus. I love my family so much and I pray that You would bless them in Jesus name, amen.

Prayer for Protection

Dear Heavenly Father,

I am so grateful for my family. I know that we cannot control everything that this day will bring, but I pray protection over my family as they travel and encounter others.

I pray that you will keep them protected from all harm and remind them that you have them covered. I'm thankful that you allowed us to see one another this morning and pray a safe return home for us all. I love my family so much and I pray that You would bless them in Jesus name, amen.

I hope that these prayers will bring God's blessings as you pray over your family!

3 Prayers to Pray Over Your Family for Strength, Peace and Protection pin

Take a few moments to pray for your family daily using these petitions. You can also add your own personal touch if you know of some specifics in any of these categories or prefer to call your family out by name.

We all need God’s peace, protection and strength as we face the challenges of life. If you have other prayers that you find helpful, please add them in the comments below.