Timiel Dewberry & Inclination Life

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10 Tips to Leaving a Lasting Legacy

What do you want to be remembered for? This is a question that many people ask themselves, and for good reason.

We all want to leave a lasting legacy, something that will be remembered long after we are gone.

Whether you want to be remembered for your accomplishments or your kindness, these tips will help you achieve your goal!

What is Leaving a Legacy?

Leaving a legacy means leaving your mark on the world and ensuring that your memory lives on.

There are many ways to let the world know you were here, but not all of them are positive.

One of the ways to leave a lasting legacy is by doing something great or by simply being kind and compassionate to others.

In contrast, you can choose to be a person that isn't polite or constantly leaves a mark of pain. That's not only harmful to present interactions, but it also provides an opportunity for those you love most to be left with this example.

Thankfully we all get a choice, and if you're reading this, you likely have chosen to do something that will change your family and this world.

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Leaving a Legacy Examples

Some live their entire lives and never consider the fact that their life can break ground for someone else or touch others in such a way that they would desire to continue the work they started.

When we start thinking about it that way, we also approach life differently.

We realize that everything we do matters and has the potential to make an impact, for better or worse.

It's a big responsibility, but it's also an exciting one!

Some examples of ways you can leave a lasting legacy include becoming a teacher and shaping the lives of young minds, volunteering your time and resources to help those in need, creating art or music that brings joy to others or writing a book that inspires change.

Leaving a legacy isn't always about the out front stuff either. Sometimes it's being a friend to someone who needs one or spending time and helping a senior that has no family.

The possibilities are endless.

What is the Best Legacy to Leave?

You may be asking yourself what's the best legacy to leave. The better approach is first figuring out your passion.

Legacy takes time. If your heart isn't in what you do, you may not put in the effort that it takes to leave a heritage.

Discover what you're passionate about. What do you truly care about?

Sometimes we miss this, because we spend our lives doing what others are passionate about.

This is more than just doing good, so you will want to not just choose something because you think it will make you look good or because it is popular.

Pick something that you are genuinely interested in and that drives you.

10 Tips to Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Beyond passion and choice, there are few other things you can keep in mind as you're building a legacy. Here are some tips:

  1. Serve People: As disciples of Christ, we must always keep in mind that we're here to serve others. Consider whether your legacy serves others even beyond your family and those you are close to.

  2. Give Back: We were never meant to do everything alone. As you build, give back by sharing information or even resources that will help others to do the same. We can never have too many people trying to leave a positive legacy.

  3. Sow Into You: Legacy takes being better. Depending on what your passion is, it may require additional training or resources. Be willing to sow into you even before others join in with your cause.

  4. Seek Your Flock (Audience): Your passion and focus need an aim. One of the things that helps us not to be selfish is learning who God intended that audience to be. By doing so, we stay in tune to how God wants to use us in their lives.

  5. Let God Do the Stretching: It can be tempting to go head first into endeavors, but pace yourself and let God show you how far this thing should go.

  6. Set Boundaries: These are for you and others. Legacy hearts are charitable and giving, but keep in mind that you don't have to save the world. Just do your part and you'll dodge the bullet of overwhelm.

  7. Let Someone Feed You: Don't fall into the self-sufficient habit. Sometimes those that think of others always don't let people do the same for them. Allow someone to feed you. A good rule is to have a person serve you in the way you serve others. It's like the teacher who also has a teacher.

  8. Ignore Shiny Objects: Legacy takes focus. A lot of things will pass by that try to pull you off your target.

  9. Always Be Fine Tuning: Keep fine tuning as you go. Don't allow not reaching your goal in your time or perfection from allowing you to keep striving to leave your legacy.

  10. Leave Room for God: God has a way of taking what we start and transforming it. You never know how it will turn out when placed in His hands.

Leaving a Legacy Quotes

If you do a search for quotes on legacy, you'll definitely find mixed reviews. The following are a few that inspire...

"Change makes you find your calling, your legacy, and God's divine plan for your life. Don't run from it." - Iman

"My legacy is that I stayed on course... from the beginning to the end, because I believed in something inside of me." - Tina Turner

"The worst mistake a leader can make is to mentor no one, choose no successor and leave no legacy." - Dr. Myles Munroe

"What you do is your history. What you set in motion is your legacy." - Leonard I. Sweet


The beauty of legacy is that it can be done in any way, shape or form. You don’t have to be famous or wealthy to leave a lasting legacy.

You simply need to find your passion and do something unique with it.

So take a moment and think about the legacy you could leave. What are you most passionate about? How can you use your uniqueness to make a difference in the world?

Once you figure that out, get started on making your mark – because you never know who might be watching and what kind of impact you could have.